Scroll down to see the latest news from the group, our use the search bar to search for publications, graduations or media mentions.

Molly received 2022 Materials Research Society Mid-Career Researcher Award
Molly received MRS Mid-Career Researcher Award

Baihao, Sebastien, Tao and Kai awarded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships
They will continue working on exciting cutting-edge research.

Philip Chivers awarded Wenner-Gren Postdoctoral Fellowship
Dr Philip Chivers has been granted a Wenner-Gren fellowship to continue his work at the Karolinska Institutet.

Molly Stevens received the Mabel FitzGerald medal
Molly received the Mabel FitzGerald medal at the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics of the University of Oxford.

James Armstrong starts independent group at Bristol
He was appointed research fellow / proleptic senior lecturer in the Department of Translational Health Sciences at the University of Bristol.

Sebastien Callens awarded Rubicon Fellowship by the Dutch Research Council
He will investigate the mechano-geometric control of biomineralization.

Cecile Echalier appointed Assistant Professor at Montpellier
Congratulations to Cecile for her appointment as Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Montpellier.

Namrata Singh awarded Postdoctoral Fellowship by the Swedish Innovation Agency
She will be moving to work with our group at the Karolinska Institutet

Alexis Belessiotis-Richards passes PhD viva
Alexis has done brilliant work with the group.

Stevens Group researchers finalists of WE Innovate competition
The team also won the Engineers in Business Award and the People’s Choice Award.

Fredrik Schaufelberger made Assistant Professor
He will be working in organic chemistry at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.

Molly Stevens profiled in Chemistry World
The article focuses on Molly’s aim of addressing healthcare inequalities, and nurturing a collaborative research group.

Molly Stevens and Katya Pchelintseva: Current and Future Women Luminaries
Current and Future Women Luminaries is a series of conversations hosted by Imperial’s President Alice P. Gast.

Stevens Group researchers awarded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowships
We are delighted that three of our researchers have been award prestigious Marie Curie Fellowships.

Stevens Group publication wins Gold in the WITec Paper Awards 2021
The WITec awards recognise the best peer-reviewed articles which publish results acquired with a WITec microscope.

Erika Montezuma passes PhD viva
We are delighted that Erika Montezuma has passed her PhD viva.

Martina Cihova awarded Postdoc Mobility Fellowship
We are delighted to announce that Martina Cihova has been awarded a Postdoc Mobility Fellowship by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

Molly Stevens featured in Chemical and Engineering News
Molly and our group’s research has been featured in Volume 99 Issue 12 of Chemical and Engineering News.